Big Bear 2022 Ballot

Citizens Initiative- Restrictions on Vacation Rentals

Please get your home on the city records as a Vacation Rental so you do not lose your rights.  If you do not,  then after November you may not be able to rent your home out ever.
A Citizens Initiative (attached) to SIGNIFICANTLY RESTRICT your Rights has qualified for the Nov. 8th Ballot in the City of Big Bear Lake.  If passed by the Voters in the City –
  • You will NOT be able to SELL your home as a vacation rental until the total # of licenses is reduced to 1,500 through attrition.  Currently, there are 2,500+ licenses.  If you sell your home before 1,500 is reached, the new owner will not be granted a license to operate as a vacation rental.
  • You can only rent your home 30 times (contracts) a year.
  • Only Owners on the deed and 5 Friends and Family may occupy your home without payment / contract.
  • You must provide the City with the names of your 5 Friends and Family.
  • Owners and their 5 Friends and Family, are governed by all the same regulations as Guests – occupancy restrictions, quiet hours, parking limitations.
  • Lots 5,000 sf or less may only have 2 cars parked.  5,000-10,000 sf may only have 3 cars parked.  10,000 sf or greater may only have 4 cars parked.
Your Property Value could be reduced by 20% or more.
The Economic Impact Report (attached) from the City’s Consultant, Tourism Economics, concludes:
  • A reduction in visitor volume by 437,000 annual visitors (-47%)
  • Lower direct visitor spending by $250 million (-57%)
  • Resulting in $289 million in total lost economic activity
  • 2,100 jobs lost – corresponding to 1,500 fewer households and 414 fewer students enrolled in the schools
  • $50 million less in local labor income
  • City would receive an estimated $12 million per year less in tax revenues
  • In addition, property tax revenues would be lower by nearly $4 million per year
  • The lower City revenue would create a loss of 17 City services employees

Please contact us today if you need more information: or Call Us at 909-752-0234