Big Bear Eagles Nest Watch

In the heart of Big Bear, excitement is soaring high as our local eagle family, Jackie and Shadow, welcome two new additions to their nest! With the world watching through live streams, these majestic eagles have captured hearts nationwide, offering a front-row seat to the miracle of nature unfolding. As we watch this new chapter in their lives, we can’t help but feel a sense of pride and joy for these incredible parents as they embark on this adventure of nurturing their young.

Family Time and Full Crops

The past few days have been filled with precious moments as Jackie and Shadow take turns feeding their newly hatched chicks, ensuring they stay full and content. The little ones may be wobbly on their feet, but they’re already showing signs of strength as they try their best to eat, filling their tiny crops and growing stronger each day.

The Family Making National News

A Perfect Team

Shadow’s dedication to his family was on full display when he took the morning feeding shift, carefully ensuring each chick had enough to eat. With his patience and care, the nest is brimming with love as Jackie and Shadow work together to keep their growing family well-fed and warm.

The Big Bear Eagles Nest Watch is a volunteer citizen science program that monitors pairs of Bald Eagles in the San Bernardino National Forest, including Big Bear Lake. The nest has been active since 2001.

During the breeding season (November through March), we are able to monitor as many as six different nests near Big Bear Lake. Climate change is threatening these species' survival at every level from population genetics to behavior, physiology, and migration patterns — anything that will affect the ability of these species to adapt to climate change.

The Eagles Nest Watch is a popular winter attraction in Big Bear. Located at the top of the mountain, this lookout provides stunning panoramic views of Big Bear Valley and the surrounding mountains.

March 7, 2025 Updated 11:49 AM