MONDAY, MAY 4, 2020

The Committee Members were able to reach a consensus on the following items to
be included in Phase 1 of the proposed City of Big Bear Lake Pandemic Response
Plan (“Plan”):

  • Plan should be simple, easy to understand, and easy to communicate
  • Plan should have a basic reliance on social distancing, face coverings, hygiene
  • Limit business occupancy in some reasonable way, but make sure limits still
    allow for profitable business activities
  • All businesses should be able to operate and should rely on best practices for
    each business segment
  • There should be parity among each business segment and treat all businesses
    in same segment equally
  • Messaging should be consistent, utilize signage, public communications
  • Need for effective social pressure, coupled with targeted enforcement
  • Need to act quickly and be nimble

The Committee Members participated in a discussion that identified several
additional key items that they feel need to be incorporated in Phase 1 of the City of
Big Bear Lake’s revised Plan. Following is a list of these proposed ideas:

Businesses would be required to implement “best practices” that are
recommended by local committee, State boards, trade groups, and/or any other
applicable regulatory agency. The plan will include face covering protocols which would be; individuals are
required to have appropriate face coverings (they should be kept on their person at all times) and must be used when interacting within close proximity
with others at stores, restaurants, parks, path, etc.

In addition to other best practices within the lodging industry, vacation rental
managers should direct guests to either bring their own food and supplies (i.e.
paper goods) with them from their home location and/or to order meals from
our local restaurants. This is in an effort to preserve local supplies for the
residents within our community.

  • Phase 1 of the Plan would limit lodging and vacation rentals to 50% of their
    units occupied at any one time. City staff was directed to develop a fair plan
    for self-managed rentals to comply with this limit.
  • Received public comment regarding the possibility of temporarily suspending
    the In-Person check in process currently required by the City’s private home
    rental program.
  •  In addition, the Plan would limit most business activities to a 50% occupancy
    limit PLUS the requirement for customers to maintain at least 6 feet of
    separation, with the added following specific parameters being discussed:
  • For restaurants, 50% applies indoors
  • For restaurants, 6 feet distancing applies for outdoor dining
    For grocery stores, 6 feet distancing applies
  • Have the Plan allow outdoor dining and retail displays on the business’ own
    property. The Committee directed City staff to explore possible options related
    to temporarily suspending any current regulatory requirements.
  • The possibility of the Plan allowing outdoor dining and retail displays on
    sidewalks and/or streets in The Village and additional locations throughout the
    City. Staff was asked to consider mechanisms to temporarily suspend current
    requirements; the items that will need to be explored include liability issues,
    State / County restaurant requirements, and Alcoholic Beverage Control
    (ABC) regulations.
  • Chamber to work with local businesses to develop incentives for seniors to feel
    safer and/or encourage shopping for example, dedicated hours, obtain bargains
    on historically slower weekdays (Senior Tuesday?) and early bird restaurant