Big Bear Vacation Rental Inspections

big bear cabin abatement - Big Bear Vacation Rental Inspections

A pretty long day of work

Destination Big Bear is reaching out to homeowners that plan on renting their homes out.  The city always warns us to get the applications into the city sooner than later so they can get each home into the schedule for city inspectors.  A significant amount of homes have been purchased in the last 6 months and now homeowners are considering using their homes as vacation rentals.  We have seen the city take up to 4 weeks to get homes inspected for vacation rentals during mid to late October.  Let’s get your home onto the city schedule.  Your home does not have to be ready, lets get the city application in and block the home off until you are ready to go live.

Check out Contractors in Big Bear

Please sign and return the contract asap.   You can sign today’s date but we can block off the home until you are ready.  Once we get the signed contract we can do the following;

Fill out city application and send it in,  Schedule Pre-inspection with our staff,  make arrangements to get corrections done, schedule Big Bear vacation rental inspection with city,  schedule photos with photographer, get your block out dates,  get your owner portal’s ID.


September 22, 2020 Updated 4:24 PM