Dear Homeowner,

A couple of our homeowners recently received a Citation from the City of Big Bear Lake for failure to comply with weed abatement.

At this time the City of Big Bear Lake is not giving a 7 day or a 30 day warning any longer, they are just giving $500.00 citations for failure to not comply. In many cases we will NOT have enough time to collect bids for your review.

Time is of the essence if you know that your property has abatement issues please notify our office immediately so that we may remedy this before you receive a $500 citation. We have several outside sources that can go to your home and remove all of the abatement needs required to comply with what the City requires.

Below is a Downloadable PDF listing of requirements from the County of San Bernardino. Please note that we are making every effort to work with The City of Big Bear Lake regarding these requirements. We will keep you in the loop if anything changes!

Thank you,

Destination Big Bear Home Team

Weed Abatement Update From Fire Department

“San Bernardino County provides weed abatement inspections and services for the Big Bear Community. Initial notices are sent out during the summer to properties that require weed abatement on their properties. Typically, property owners have 30 days from the notice date to clean-up their properties. If a notice has been sent and no work has been completed, a second notice will be sent, along with fees incurred. After the second notice, if the property has not been brought into compliance, contract labor will be hired to perform the weed abatement tasks and the property owners will be assessed for fees and services on their taxes for these services.

Local media resources can help property owners in locating weed abatement service professionals to assist with bringing their property into compliance.”