Governor’s Order Clarified; Lodging Facilities and Vacation Rentals May Not Operate in Big Bear Lake

Why It’s Not So Simple to Just “Close The Mountain”
Mayor Herrick Continues Self-Quarantine
City officials continue to closely monitor developments associated with COVID-19 (coronavirus), and continue efforts to prepare for an escalation of the COVID-19 threat in Big Bear Lake. City officials remain in regular communications with San Bernardino County public health officials and local health care providers, and rely exclusively on their expertise and guidance relative to the public health risks and recommendations applicable to Big Bear Lake.
The City of Big Bear Lake is working hard to ensure that the residents, property owners, investors, businesses, and visitors in our community have the correct information about the status of COVID-19 threats in Big Bear Lake and the City’s response to these threats. This email newsletter is the official guidance from the City of Big Bear Lake, and the City appreciates everyone’s adherence to the restrictions and recommendations outlined herein.
To be sure you are receiving the latest and most accurate information, please sign up for this email newsletter at . PLEASE share this email newsletter with anyone and everyone, as we want to reach as many people as possible with this information. Thank you!
Governor Newsom issued a state-wide “shelter in place” order late on March 19, with several exceptions, and has directed everyone to remain at home in an effort to discourage further community transmission of COVID-19. The City of Big Bear Lake has been diligently implementing these restrictions and those established by County public health officials since the COVID-19 event began, and is implementing additional restrictions as they are announced and/or clarified.
Earlier this morning, the City received additional clarification regarding lodging facilities and vacation rentals. Unless these facilities are housing critical infrastructure workers or specifically designated by the State or County to house confirmed COVID-19 patients (currently not the case in Big Bear Lake and highly unlikely in the future), lodging establishments and vacation rentals may not operate. Current bookings for the next several weeks should be cancelled, no new arrivals should be processed, and no new reservations should be accepted for the short-term until after the COVID-19 event has ended and these restrictions have been lifted.
At this time, most lodging facilities and vacation rentals have already closed, and there are very few visitors here. A windshield survey of lodging facilities by Sheriff’s deputies this morning counted approximately 125 vehicles combined in all lodging facilities’ parking lots, and it is important to note that some of these vehicles may be employees of the lodging facility or individual unit owners who have a right to utilize their property.
Any current guests in a lodging facility or a vacation rental should be directed to return directly home and continue to “shelter in place” in their home community, or should remain sheltered in place in the unit.
Other guidance remains unchanged from the last update, and is as follows:
  • everyone in Big Bear Lake is directed to “shelter in place”, especially those age 65 and older and those who are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, however, travel is permitted for work and to conduct personal business,
  • grocery stores, drug stores, and other essential retail and service businesses may operate,
  • construction and repair activities may continue,
  • bars, nightclubs, movie theaters, gyms, bowling alleys, ski areas, snow play areas, and other similar businesses may not operate,
  • restaurants are closed for in-restaurant seated dining, however, take-out and delivery services are permitted,
  • lodging and vacation rentals may no longer operate, except for situations described above,
  • non-essential group gatherings of any size are prohibited, including commercial establishments, churches, community groups, and other formal and informal group activities, and
  • isolated, outdoor exercise is permitted, including walking your dog.
The City continues to adjust its guidance based on the announcement of additional restrictions and clarification of existing restrictions by the Governor and/or County public health officials, and will update its guidance to our residents accordingly in the future.
The COVID-19 event is unlike any other natural or man-made disaster that Big Bear Lake, and every community in the United States, has ever experienced. It’s not as simple as comparing this event to a wildfire, an earthquake, or a hurricane, as this event is literally affecting every single community and every single person, no one knows exactly how it will all end, nor when it will end.
The City has received several suggestions that we should just “close the mountain”. While that conclusion is a completely understandable and reasonable conclusion for one to reach, it’s not quite that simple. First, the City of Big Bear Lake has jurisdiction over approximately 6.5 square miles, a little more than 5,000 permanent residents, and just shy of 10,000 housing units. The City limits include only a fraction of all of the land area, permanent residents, and housing units in the valley. The City does not have authority over Big Bear City, Fawnskin, Sugarloaf, or other unincorporated areas, and does not control the 3 State highways leading into the valley. The City could certainly take action to restrict access into and out of the City limits of Big Bear Lake, however, that would not apply to other areas in the valley, and the City may then be in a position to not allow others in the valley to enter the City limits – which is where most of the shopping and services exist – and the City would not want to prevent our neighbors from accessing essential goods and services in any way.
Additionally, it’s important to note that many of our residents are actively traveling out of the City and the valley to other communities down the hill, including for purchase of essential goods and services, and none of those communities have limited the ability for our residents to visit their communities. Finally, if our intent is to limit the spread of COVID-19 into Big Bear Lake, we also shouldn’t allow our residents to leave and then return, as they could potentially bring the virus back with them. At this time, the City is not aware or any California communities that have restricted people from other communities from entering their community.
The City, in conjunction with Visit Big Bear, has directly discouraged visitors to Big Bear Lake since Thursday, and continues to do so. Visitors should not come to Big Bear Lake during the COVID-19 event, and should abide by “shelter in place” restrictions in place in their home community.
The City’s response to the COVID-19 threats has and will continue to consider all aspects of this crisis in our decision-making. As has been the case thus far, the City’s continued response will continue to evolve based on changing circumstances, new information, and new or clarified restrictions from State and County officials. Above all, the City’s response is guided exclusively by the expertise of public health experts, and will continue to rely on that expertise.